Welcome to our Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) FAQ section, a straightforward guide to understanding this innovative vision correction method. Whether you're an individual considering non-surgical options or a parent exploring treatments for your child's nearsightedness, you'll find clear, reliable answers here. We unpack the basics, debunk common myths, and impartially weigh the pros and cons, empowering you to make informed decisions. So, dive in and explore the world of Ortho-K with us - your journey to a clearer understanding starts here.

Of course, feel free to reach out to us through Whatsapp, email or phone, we will be happy to clarify any doubts that you may have.

Eye Examination

Refraction is only to check your eye prescription/power for glasses or contact lenses.  Comprehensive eye exam is a detailed assessment of the visual performance and health of your eyes, includes checking for eye prescription and also screen the eyes for common vision threatening eye diseases like Cataract, Glaucoma, Retinal changes, etc

Recommended Frequency for eye examination.  

- Below 16 years old - Annually

- 16 to <60 years old - Every 2 years

- 60 years old and above - Annually

For those with higher predisposed risk, like with family and/or personal history of systemic diseases, ocular diseases, work in high risk occupation and/or wear contact lenses, are recommended to have more frequent eye exams. 

Do bring your recent pair(s) of glasses and contact lenses.  Make a list of symptoms that concern you, if any.  Gather any vision and eye-related conditions in your family.

If you would like to bring any company, please let them know that the eye examination may take up to 45 minutes.

Presbyopia & Progressive Lenses

Although there are variations in individuals experience and the time taken to adapt to progressive lenses, most people get used to their lenses within 1-2 weeks. The best way to get use to your new lenses is to move your head as well as your eyes when looking sideways, adjust to your glasses by wearing them in a familiar environment and avoid switching back to your old glasses.

If the progressive lenses are correctly fitted by your optician/optometrist, you should be looking through the correct areas of the lenses in your habitual (usual) natural head and eye movements without awkward head movements.

Newer and modern progressive lenses have been designed to fit into smaller frames to match normal eye movements in these frame styles. Your optician/optometrist can recommend the best lenses for your needs.

The current progressive lenses are really easy to get used to, and new users should have little difficulty adapting to them. For new wearers, bend your head down and look through the top part of the lenses while walking down steps, especially for the initial period. 

Children Myopia Control Program

Myopia is very common in Singapore, affecting more than 80% of the adult population here. Myopia in most cases is caused by the elongation of the eyeball, and the symptom is blurry distance vision.  High myopia and longer eyeball length leads increases the prevalence of blinding eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataract and retina pathology that leads to possible loss of vision. It is important to know that traditional glasses, contact lenses and even refractive surgery, can help remove the symptoms of blurry vision, but does not solve the problem of increased risk of blindness due to excessive eyeball elongation. There are now myopia control technologies and methods that have been scientifically shown to slow down the progression of myopia.

Yes, 6/9 means your child needs to stand nearer to the object to see clearly as compared to a child who has 6/6 vision who is still able to see clearly further away. It’s important that your child quickly get an eyecheck to determine if he/she really need any spectacles.

NOTE: Traditional spectacle lenses and contact lenses do not slow down the progression of myopia. They help to correct your refractive errors and allow you to see clearly but does not have any form of myopia control. Myopia control solutions not only help patients see clearly, but more importantly slow down the progression of myopia by as high as 50%. The goal is to reduce the risks of possible future vision loss caused by blinding eye diseases due to high myopia.

We believe that one solution does not solve all problems. Every child is different and there is a strong need to personalize solution(s) depending on the situation of each child. We tasked ourselves to be well-trained in the latest myopia control technologies and options, so that we have an array of solutions to offer to our patients.

When a child comes on board, we will put them through a Myopia Control Program that includes a wide range of tests, determine contributing factors and likely causes leading to myopia increase before an appropriate control solution is recommended. As myopia control management is long term, it is important that the parents and child understand, and together with the optometrist, commit to the solutions adopted prior to implementation.

Children who demonstrate the below criteria should come to us for Myopia Control Consultation:
• Children who are myopic between the age of 5 to 12
• Children who are experiencing increasing myopia year after year
• Children who has at least one parents who is myopic
• Children who spend excessive time on digital device, reading and on near work

Teenagers who are still experiencing year after year myopia increment.

Our motto and motivation is  placing our patient’s interest as priority so that we can achieve the best clinical outcome. One solution does not fit all, because we believe all our patients are different and have unique needs, especially when it comes to kids and myopia control. We place emphasis to educate the pros and cons of each technology has to offer, and take time to understand what each and every kid truly needs.

Please bring the following:
•Existing spectacles or contact lens
•Existing myopia treatment plan information (if applicable)

Come talk to us together with your kid and understand what can be done. The consultation will help determine if your child has a high myopia risk profile and whether a yearly review is sufficient or a further evaluation is required.

Myopia can be complicated and difficult to pinpoint the exact cause that aggrevates the progression. Factors including long hours of near work, lack of outdoor activities, growth of a child, eye muscles coordination, etc, leading to myopia progression. Besides checking on the refractive status and the eye muscles coordination of the child, we also have advanced instrumentation to measure the actual length of the eyeball. Usually, the higher the myopia power, the longer the eyeball. However, for a more holistic control management, we should not just focus on either the refractive status or eyeball length. We need to look at all results to determine if a certain myopia control method is working well. Refractive power is an easy way to judge on the progression but it is also equally important to monitor the eyeball length closely, so that we know if a certain method is not working well, we could switch to other options strategically.

Yes you can. In fact, if you find your child is squinting or tilting his/her head at a certain angle to see, it may be a good indication for an eye check. Giving your child a baseline eyecheck is important so that all of us know whether the eye is growing too quickly over in their growth years. We have parents bringing their kids at age 4 to 5 to check on their eyes. Like a visit to the dentist, the care for eyes for a child is extremely important. We often take our sight for granted until when we start putting on glasses, and often with the clear vision provided by the glasses become a part of our lives, we often assume clear vision means good eye health. On the contrary, clear vision does not equate healthy eyes. High myopia has been associated with many blinding eye conditions that often happens in our late adulthood. The best time to start paying attention to your child’s eye is before they become myopic, especially if either or both parents are myopic and your child is spending excessive time on digital device or near work. It is important to know that myopia in most cases are not reversible and is progressive.

Come speak to us on how to keep myopia away from your child.

Orthokeratology is one of our key myopia control solutions. Many of our students who are myopic and astigmatic are already on Orthokeratology (OK) treatment where results have shown to be excellent for myopia control. OK uses specially designed contact lenses, very much like braces, to gently mould the central part of the cornea during sleep and clear vision is achieved without glasses or contact lenses during waking hours. It is totally reversible with clear vision throughout the day and we have great success for myopia control results. More on Orthokeratology below

Various specialty spectacle lenses and/or specialty soft contact lenses can also be customized for your child, depending on their lifestyle and habits. We only use myopia control technologies that are reversible and non-invasive. No medication or surgical procedure is required.

As mentioned above, specialty spectacle lenses and soft contact lenses are also available. When our optometrists mention a certain treatment option for your child, very often, they take into consideration on firstly, the success control percentage of the recommended treatment, and secondly, what would match your child’s lifestyle and habits most? Most of our kids are first time contact lens wearers and have no problem with it. We find our kids are highly compliant with contact lens care and they understand the importance of hygiene and following instructions that we set out for them. You’ll be surprised that kids are often better wearers than adults. Nevertheless, we will always talk to the kids and their parents on their preference before carrying forward any treatment options.

The cost of myopia control solutions ranges from $520 to $2600, depending on the form of myopia control technology used. Sometimes for aggressive progressors, a combination of solutions are required.

Common Questions on OrthoKeratology (OK Lens)

Orthokeratology, often referred to as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical procedure that involves wearing special gas-permeable contact lenses overnight to gently reshape your cornea and improve vision [1, 8]. For Adults, this is a great alternative to glasses and contact lenses. For Kids, Ortho-K offers a very important benefit of helping to slow down myopia progression.

Ortho-K is mainly used to correct near-sightedness (myopia) but it can also correct farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism in many cases. It is a non-surgical alternative for those who prefer not to wear glasses or daytime contact lenses, or those who are ineligible for vision correction surgeries [8, 7]. Its a great choice for both adults and kids.

Ortho-K has been approved by the FDA after extensive studies, demonstrating its safety as an alternative to glasess, contact lenses and refractive surgery. However, like any treatment, it's crucial for patients to comply with all instructions for use and maintenance of the lenses to optimize safety [1, 6].

While generally safe, it is possible for some patients to experience dryness and discomfort. Any side effects or potential risks should be discussed with your eye care practitioner [3].

Studies have found that about 80% of patients who are treated with orthokeratology achieve significant improvements in their vision. The desired goal for an ortho-k wearer is to achieve vision that is 20/40 or better [3, 7].

No, Ortho-K lenses are designed to be worn during sleep, and users typically don't experience any discomfort. There might be a brief adjustment period at first as the eyes adapt to the presence of the lenses[8].

The vision improvements from ortho-k are reversible, but can be maintained if you continue to wear the lenses as directed [8].

The most common side effect is temporary blurred vision or halos around lights, especially in the early stages of treatment. Most side effects resolve as the eyes adapt to the lenses. Serious side effects, such as infection, are rare when proper care and hygiene are practiced[2].

While ortho-k can be effective for many patients, not all individuals are good candidates for the treatment. Factors such as corneal health, refractive error, and lifestyle can impact suitability [9].

Improvements in vision can typically be observed after one night of wearing ortho-k lenses, with optimal vision often achieved within a few weeks [1].

Orthokeratology for Kids

Parents choose Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) for their kids for several reasons:

  1. Myopia Control: Ortho-K has been shown to slow the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. This is particularly beneficial as myopia is associated with a higher risk of severe eye health complications later in life, including glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment[6].
  2. Daytime Freedom: Ortho-K lenses are worn at night while sleeping, which reshapes the cornea temporarily for better vision during the day. This eliminates the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses, allowing children to participate more freely in sports, recreational activities, or simply enjoy clear vision without any encumbrances[3].
  3. Non-Surgical Treatment: Ortho-K offers a non-surgical alternative to procedures like LASIK for vision correction. This is an attractive feature for many parents who are not comfortable with their children undergoing eye surgery at a young age.
  4. Long-term Cost Efficiency: While the initial cost of Ortho-K can be high, many parents see it as a valuable investment in their child's vision. When compared to the ongoing costs of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and potential future costs associated with progressive myopia, Ortho-K can be cost-effective over time[5].
  5. Improved Quality of Life: Children who wear Ortho-K lenses often experience improvements in their overall quality of life. They may gain confidence from not having to wear glasses, enjoy better vision for a variety of activities, and learn responsibility by caring for their Ortho-K lenses.
  6. Parental Supervision and Control: Since Ortho-K lenses are worn during the night, parents have more control over their kids' compliance with the treatment. They can monitor the correct application, removal, and maintenance of the lenses, ensuring their child is getting the best possible outcome. This is especially beneficial for younger children who may need help managing their lenses. It also provides a peace of mind for parents knowing that they can assist their child immediately if any discomfort or issues arise.

Ortho-K has been proven to be a safe option for vision correction and myopia control in children. It's a non-surgical option that has been successfully used for many years. The most common risk is infection, but with good hygiene and proper lens care, this risk is minimal[4,5].

Yes, in our practice, children as young as 6 can successfully handle the responsibility of wearing and caring for Ortho-K lenses with some parental supervision. It's important for children to develop a consistent routine and learn proper hygiene habits. These skills can be taught and reinforced by eye care professionals and parents alike[3].

Initially, putting in and removing lenses might seem daunting to a child, but with proper training and a little practice, children become adept at handling the lenses[5].

If your child stops using the Ortho-K lenses, their eyes will gradually revert to the original shape, and myopia will continue to progress at its natural rate. Ortho-K treatment does not worsen myopia but helps control its progression when in use[4].

Not at all. Ortho-K lenses are worn during sleep and removed upon waking, leaving your child free from wearing glasses or contacts during the day, which is especially beneficial for children engaged in sports or other physical activities[3].

The cost of Ortho-K lenses might seem high upfront, but when compared to the combined costs of glasses, regular contact lenses, and potential costs for future eye health issues due to myopia progression, it's a worthy investment[5].

Yes, multiple studies have shown that Ortho-K is one of the most effective methods for slowing the progression of myopia in children. It reshapes the cornea overnight, which decreases the stimulus for myopia progression during the day[6].

Age is not a primary determining factor for Ortho-K suitability. The main considerations are the child's maturity and responsibility levels, their ability to take care of the lenses, and the progression rate of myopia. Children as young as 6-8 years old can be good candidates for Ortho-K[4].

In addition to providing correction-free, clear vision, ortho-k can improve self-esteem and quality of life. There are also studies showing that orthokeratology can slow the progression of myopia [2].

Orthokeratology for Adults

Orthokeratology is an effective treatment for both adults and children. While it is often used in children with progressive myopia, its official indication is for the correction of myopic refractive error in patients of any age [3].

Ortho-K can be an effective solution for adults experiencing myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. It can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience discomfort or dryness with traditional contact lenses or those who are not suitable candidates for refractive surgery. The lenses are worn at night, providing the freedom from corrective eyewear during the day, which can be a significant lifestyle advantage for those involved in sports, or those who work in environments where glasses or daytime contacts are inconvenient.

Ortho-K can be an effective treatment for myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. However, for adults over 40, presbyopia (the loss of near vision) becomes more common. While there are some Ortho-K designs that can accommodate presbyopia, the effectiveness can vary greatly from person to person.

Ortho-K is not a one-time treatment. The lenses must be worn consistently each night, or the reshaping effect will gradually diminish and your original vision will return. This requires a daily commitment to wearing, cleaning, and storing the lenses properly. Also as these are specialty lenses that patient sleeps with, aftercare visits to the optometrist is a must and not be skip to ensure safe and healthy lens wear.

Ortho-K lenses require certain lifestyle considerations to ensure their effectiveness and your eye health.

  1. Hygiene: Strict hygiene practices are essential. Always wash your hands before handling lenses and ensure your lens case and storage solution are kept clean.
  2. Proper Lens Handling: It's crucial to know how to insert, remove, and clean the lenses properly to avoid damaging them or causing discomfort to your eyes.
  3. Sleep Duration: Ortho-K lenses work while you sleep to reshape your cornea. For optimal results, you should aim for about 7 hours of sleep each night.
  4. Regular Aftercare Visits: Regular follow-up appointments with your eye care professional are vital. These visits allow for monitoring of the lens fit, corneal health, and the effectiveness of the treatment.
  5. Activity Considerations: The freedom from glasses or daytime contacts may enable easier participation in sports and other physical activities.

By adhering to these considerations, Ortho-K lens wearers can enjoy the full benefits of this innovative vision correction method. However, it's essential to discuss any lifestyle factors with us to ensure Ortho-K is the right fit for you.

As with any contact lens use, there's an increased risk of eye infections if the lenses aren't cleaned and cared for properly. It's vital to follow the optometrist's guidelines on hygiene and regular check-ups.

Ortho-K lenses are custom-made, and the treatment includes ongoing monitoring by an optometrist, which can make the cost of Ortho-K higher than traditional glasses or contact lenses.

There might be some initial discomfort or adjustment period as your eyes get used to the lenses. This usually dissipates after a few days.

Unlike LASIK, which provides almost immediate results, Ortho-K takes time to reshape your cornea and improve your vision. It usually takes a few weeks to months to see optimal results. The reshaping is reversible, so if you decide to stop lens wear, your cornea will go back to its normal shape.

The best first step in considering Ortho-K is to have a comprehensive eye exam and a thorough consultation with us who specializes in Ortho-K. We can provide you with advice tailored to your specific vision and lifestyle needs. Make an appointment with us today.